Posts by Ryan Trimble

How to Communicate Boundaries So You Can’t Be Manipulated—or Manipulate Others

I frequently find myself in Crucial Conversations with someone who is disrespectful and demeaning towards me. I have tried the strategy of apologizing for any wrongs I may have committed, but this person is only willing to talk if I take full responsibility for every wrong they feel I’ve committed and then do things exactly their way. This seems unfair. What can I do?

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Smartphone Addiction: Understanding and Overcoming It

I think I’m addicted to my smartphone. I’ve thought about getting rid of it, but I value and depend on many of its tools. And yet I pick it up hundreds of times a day and stare into it for hours. I think this affects my attention and concentration, self-esteem, relationships, activity and health, peace of mind, sleep, and more—all for the worse. What can I do?

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Angry with Your Boss over a Bad Performance Review? Here’s What You Should Do

At my last performance review, my boss was extremely positive and gave me great feedback, so I was horrified to later discover that he gave me a score of “below average” on the formal paperwork. I arranged a meeting with him to find out why. That’s when he told me I was disengaged, did not challenge myself, and did not collaborate well with others. I got angry and now he won’t talk to me. What should I do?

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How Can I Get My Adult Child to Move Out?

My daughter moved back in with us over a year ago. She said she needed to stay one month. Nineteen have now passed. We want her to move out but can’t get her to. The pandemic has made things difficult. She refuses to get a real job. She refuses to clean up. She recently got her stimulus check and didn’t offer us anything. She is very disrespectful and now our granddaughter is mimicking her. How do I stop this toxic relationship we are in? What can we do?

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How Can I Protect My Daughter from Making Poor Choices?

I have a 27-yr-old daughter who ventured out into the world two years ago and she is demonstrating some very dangerous behavior. Recently she started visiting not dating sites, but the most dangerous booty call sites. She is publishing suggestive videos and refuses to acknowledge the dangers. What rights does a parent have to save a child from her bad choices?


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